Follow Me Mum is now streaming online at
For mothers and health professionals
Here’s how one mother described her watching experience:
“I was about ready to give up, when a volunteer consultant lent me your video. The calm tone, reassuring message and very simple but clear diagrams helped me understand what countless other literature sources had failed to do. I must have watched the video ten times. A day later, my daughter and I were on our way to a great breastfeeding partnership.” read more ...
Rent or Buy @
- You may choose to rent Follow me Mum for 3 months
- To watch as many times as you like before and after you have your baby.
- Before: will show you how to follow and support the way your newborn baby is designed to breastfeed
- After: the video will be especially helpful if you are experiencing latching difficulties
Health Professionals:
- Buy to stream Follow Me Mum anytime on your computer or tablet:
- Print and offer mothers an information leaflet' about renting Follow Me Mum in the last trimester.
"(We have 500 births a month.....). We found that when mothers were able to see [Follow me Mum] soon after delivery, our teaching made more sense to them, and often they quickly established effective & comfortable breastfeeding." read more ....
Printable Mothers Information Leaflets - PDF documents below
These leaflets look good in either colour or black and white
SET YOUR PRINT SIZE OPTION TO 'ACTUAL SIZE' then print and cut to make three separate leaflets.