Rebecca Glover Breastfeeding Education Materials and Breastfeeding Videos

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Help for mothers and babies
experiencing latching difficulties


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Help For Mothers and Babies Experiencing Latching* Difficulties. 

If you are a mother experiencing latching difficulties or are a health professional who helps new mums, then you will find the materials in this web site invaluable.

Attachment* issues are extremely common and Rebecca’s unique images and clear explanations demonstrate practical steps that support the innate positioning and attachment process. Whether a mother simply wishes to speed up the process by bringing her baby directly to the breast, or needs to step in to help her baby when attachment is difficult or painful.

The simple steps described have been developed from the current evidence and Rebecca’s detailed observation of the attachment process over more than four decades of working with breastfeeding mothers and babies.

They support the Innate (in born) latching behaviours displayed by every healthy newborn - described here: 

Stabilized on mother’s body a hungry healthy baby will lift head, chin and mouth to search for the nipple.
Stimulated by the touch of his face (cheeks-lips-chin) on the breast, baby will instinctively move to and centre his mouth on the nipple, swing the lower jaw wide open, anchor the bottom lip and chin deep below the nipple and scoop up a good mouthful of breast and nipple.  © Rebecca Glover

Rebecca’s education materials provide help for breastfeeding mothers and babies experiencing attachment difficulties, painful feeding or damaged nipples, or when poor attachment is contributing to engorgement, mastitis, low infant weight gains or low milk supply.

For an outline of the Evidence and Effects of these Simple Steps. L.A.T.CH.O. - Learned Attachment Techniques CHanges Outcomes (in Tips and Topics)


* Please Note:  Throughout this website the terms - Latching - Attaching - Latch-on - Attachment - Latch - all refer to part or all of the innate positioning and attachment process.