Wall Poster Holding Me Touching You - Look what I can do 1 Copy




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Laminated Poster - A3 (16½ x 11¾ inches)      Also available: Teaching Chart &Tear-off sheets

Designed to help mothers understand the KEY concepts of:

Resources for breastfeeding mothers - How to breastfeed

  • Firm full frontal contact

To trigger a cascade of hormonal and reflex responses in mother and baby.

  • Stability

To support strong, controlled reflex movements of a baby’s head, neck and oral area.

  • Mouth to breast alignment

That allows baby to take a deep, comfortable and effective latch - includes the ‘Hamburger Analogy’.


"Parents are really enjoying the new teaching chart 'holding me'… Thank you so much! Your products are SOOO worth the money."

                                                               Janet Fishstrom Dombro,IBCLC,RLC  read more ....

The images show a mother what it means to have:


 Baby’s full-front in firm contact with her body and breast – closely applied.

 A well supported straight back and open posture to make a flatter space for baby’s body fit underneath her    breasts.

 Baby’s body “uncurled”and open,  prone against her body.

 The heel of her hand holding baby’s shoulder blades with her fingers relaxed - providing shoulder girdle stability.

 Baby’s whole body facing her and applied to her body - providing midline stability for the symmetrical movement of the muscles on both sides of baby’s head neck and oral area.

 Baby’s chest snug against the base and side of her breast, chin into the breast, nose away from the breast. Baby’s instinctive latching posture.


And how to help her baby take a deep effective mouthful of breast

With baby's tongue and lower jaw deep under the breast, the breast filling baby's mouth, and the nipple resting at the back of baby's mouth -  a safe place where it cannot be pinched or damaged.

 Images and explainations - Help latch-on techniques - How to offer baby more breast below the nipple.
            Using the images and the hamburger analogy Glover, R. & Wiessinger, D. (2012)

 Where baby’s bottom lip needs to anchor on her breast for a deep latch
            Areola size varies – the bottom lip needs to anchor at least 3-4 cm from the base of the nipple


References & Recommended Reading


© Rebecca Glover – Last updated June 2012
The text may be copied for individual educational purposes only. All other reproduction prohibited unless written permission is obtained from the author.  The images on this website are the © property of Rebecca Glover.