
A review of "Follow Me Mum" by an respected childbirth educator - "My only regret was that I didn't buy it ages ago."

Hi everyone,

I had heard that the video Follow Me Mum was good and I was keen to have a look at it, but I was a little reluctant to spend the money in case it wasn’t really very good quality or if my classes were turned off it for some reason, so I delayed a long time before purchase.

However Monday morning a thud on my front verandah meant’ it had arrived.  Dropped the kids off at school – raced back and watched it twice right though and was very impressed.

I had a group on Monday night, that just happened to be week 6 – babycare parenting and breastfeeding, and had ABA counselors and community educators visiting so they got to see it too.

The class loved it – ABA visitors loved it especially the intro about how women these days don’t get to see other women breastfeed etc.  It was an excellent discussion starter for the B/F talk – it got everyone focused beautifully.  My only regret was that didn’t buy it ages ago.

The aspects of the video that I particularly liked were the quality of the production – it is really excellent – very clear and easy to watch – the cartoon graphics that assist us to teach something that is usually difficult to describe, (baby’s jaw movement and placement of the nipple).  It describes rolling the breast into the mouth and shows mother’s demonstrating this several times over – very effective learning.

I liked Rebecca Glovers voice and attitude too.  She has a warm confident strong wise women voice which is ideal for guiding mothers.  She is a natural teacher and I admired her style.

I often have to correct bits n pieces in videos but that’s not the case with this one – it’s spot on. J


Julie Clarke

 Childbirth and Parenting Ed NACE Inc Advanced Educator